Activating your Light-Seed with energy of the Equinox

by Yvonne Roza
Each of us resonates a frequency that is uniquely one else has it, just like our DNA. This frequency is encoded with our "energetic DNA;" it contains our gifts, our mastery, our Soul's blueprints. Below is a meditation to activate our Light-Seed, using the energy of Spring Equinox to facilitate the blossoming of our next level of unfoldment.
Take a journey home…to your Soul’s home and breathe in the atmosphere. Breathe the energy of home.
Re-call your moment of deciding to incarnate, the energy and excitement of that moment, and become aware of the seed of light you were given to carry into life, into your Earthly body.
Feel how precious, unique and alive this light is. This seed of light vibrates with the essence of you at the level of your Soul.
Now give your awareness to your Earthly body and invite its higher vibrational nature to connect you to Earth.
Let the higher consciousness of your body show you Earth’s cycles and rhythms so that you can vibrationally experience the ebb and flow of the oceans, the wax and wane of the moon, and the seasons of the Sun…particularly the vibration of the Spring Equinox.
Feel how all the components of spring come into optimal alignment for sprouting anew, blossoming anew, nurturing the essence of becoming; empowering the yearning of becoming.
Now, in your own special and unique way, invite, flow, dance with, or just breathe with this energy of spring to ignite the new blossoming of your light seed; activating in divine timing all that is wanting and ready to become within your Soul’s DNA.
Witness the magic. Witness the miracle of you, your Soul, dancing with life on Earth.