by Kathryn Brewer. We know this is a time of great change. Mary Manin Morrissey (Living Full Spectrum) says, “We are living in the most exciting, challenging time in history. Our environmental and societal crises are really a spiritual crisis. Historians will look back on the 21st Century and see it as the time of the great awakening.”
The upcoming Resonant Circle on Wednesday, May 21st, will be focused on the Earth and our environment. Whether it is the alert to the attempt for control and exclusionary restrictions for the internet or the unregulated, untested, destructive geoengineered chemtrails across our skies, or the drought/floods, there is plenty to raise concern in this moment of time. We will use a protocol for energetic shifting of environmental toxins, and ask for information from the Resonant Circle we create together.
As part of the change, we are becoming co-creators of our environment, our society. Katharine Roske and Carolyn Anderson say it well in their The Co-Creators Handbook: “When groups come together in a field of love, safety, and mutual trust—the creativity, power, and wisdom of each person is liberated. The sense of separation within people that leads to war, crime, pollution, and disorder is healed. …The pyramid structure is giving way to the circle and ordinary citizens are being empowered to express their full potential. Domination is giving way to partnership. Outer authority is succumbing to inner knowing. Core Groups are emerging to support and empower personal and planetary transformation.” Resonant Circles are a key technique for our future.
There are various names for Resonant Circles such as Vistar Circles, Shift Circles, Evolutionary Circles, Conscious Communication, but they all label opportunities for people to come together into energetic resonance around a common theme and intention. Guidelines help make it more difficult for the Ego to be in charge, and easier for each individual to speak from their Essence or highest state of being. Participating in the circles expands and evolves you as the combined hearts create a vibrational field that opens wider channels of information and moves your perspective from personal issues to the bigger picture—including the bigger picture of who you are. There is a ripple effect that also expands and evolves the energy available to all of humanity. It is another gift you can give.
In the beginning of the circle HeartMath and other tools assist you to move more into your heart space and connect with the hearts of others. A question is then asked, and each individual allows answers to flow from their higher wisdom.
Here is a response from one of the participants in recent circles:
"This resonant circle has allowed me to hear what my soul wants. By just being present you can heal yourself and beyond. This has been an amazing experience, finding my soul's path. Join a resonant circle and share in the healing." D.T.
There are two circles remaining on the schedule, Wednesdays 5/21 and 6/4. We welcome all who feel drawn to co-create the next transformative experience.
Basic Facts: First and Third Wednesdays 3/19/14 to 6/4/14, 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Cost: $10 per session
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