What's my mind up to now?? 5 tips for engaging the mind to create inner peace.

Last night, at the first meditation class, I noticed a theme. When asked why they came, everyone wanted to get their minds to hush up! These days, so many of us have VERY busy minds.
So here's the first thing...telling it to shut up is not usually the best approach, although we've all tried that. The more you tell it to shut up, the more it has to say! Instead, it "just" needs a new job. Well, first you create the new job, then it needs re-training, through our persistent efforts!
Here are some ideas:
1. Ask your mind to watch your breath. Is it different temperatures as it comes in and out? Can you get your breath all the way down to your toes?
2. Ask your mind to remind you of all the times (or a place where) you have felt relaxed, focused, connected to Spirit or something of the sort. You know, it's the law of attraction. If you can get your mind to think of those times, pretty soon you'll be relaxed, focused, connected. You get the idea!
3. Use your mind to clear your chakras. Using a map of the chakras as a guide, imagine breathing into each chakra, breathing in a quality you want more of.
4. Count your breath or your pulse.
5. Count down from 10 to 1 imagining you are stepping down beautiful stairs into a peaceful garden.
Next time: how scent can bypass your conscious mind to create the energy you desire.
Until then....Love and Light, Elaina