1248 Monterey St. 
(Inside Body + Balance Center)
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Open by appointment only

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Contact Bob Nanninga

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PO Box 5316 SLO, CA 93403


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Entries in Fall (2)


The Chrysalis State - Fall is here!

As we enter the time of Fall, it is the harvest.  Physically and Metaphysically, it is the time of looking back over what we have planted and discerning what is "done", and what to keep growing.  Every year, this is a powerful time for me of going within.  Being an early spring baby, I am happiest when my creations are bursting forth!  

This year, my fall transition is especially poignant.  After dreaming of a healing Center for so many years, we manifested it, in the physical, 11 years ago. As a gathering place for the evolution of humanity, we had works hops and classes, private sessions and creative projects as we created our spiritual family. I had such a great time imagining and creating events like the Transformational Arts Fair.  With a wonderful team of humans and spirit beings, we manifested so much.

This spring and summer, we became aware that the form was ready for a change.  With sadness and great anticipation about what will come through us next, we have moved to a smaller location, and are waiting!

Our community will become more actively global, as we reach out through Webinars, create music, books and art, and travel to offer our gifts.  But right now, the waiting!  Not my strong suit, as many of you know! I think I might have a glimpse of life in a chrysalis.  As the the caterpillar lets go of its previous form, I wonder if it, too, dreams of having wings, being free to flit from flower to flower as the pollen calls??  

But for now, it's the deep inner shifts that are taking place, and I must rest.  It is the surrender to the deep transformation, and trusting that somewhere other than in my conscious mind there resides wisdom and the template for the unfoldment of all that I and QuietStar are meant to be.  

I'd love to hear how you are sorting the wheat from the chaff and preparing for the deep accumulation that will take place in the winter.  

Love and Light, Elaina



What's this we hear about QuietStar moving? 

Find us here Aug 6th and beyoneTimes they are a-changin’...and so are we!  QuietStar is re-inventing itself. After 11 years at our current location, we are taking advantage of the powerful energies of transformation that we can all feel.  We already have a new space for sessions and gatherings, and so many new opportunities to express our creativity. More Pictures on our home page.  

We promise to keep sending out newsletters, and to blog more regularly so you can keep up on all the cool things we are creating. Visit the website often to see the latest creation!

There is no end to the fun we will have!

Our friends, Lorna and Paul Teixiera have invited us to create a space for QuietStar at their beautifully renovated building that houses Body + Balance, home of Paul’s Physical Therapy practice as well as practitioners of other specialties.  Wait till you see the beautiful Zen Garden! We are moving to downtown SLO, AND getting more nature.  Don’t you love how Spirit works??

Our New Space:  in the “Yard” 1248 Monterey St (between Johnson and Toro).   Bob will continue his practice of Bowen Therapy, Elaina will continue offering Energy Sessions, Vibrational Healing and Spiritual Counseling, and Yvonne will be offering Vibrational Healing and Crystalline Consciousness sessions.  Stay tuned for the news of what’s up with with the rest of the QuietStar facilitators. To contact a specific facilitator, visit the Directory page.

Vortexes will be held in the garden or the indoor yoga space, we’ll be creating some awesome retreats around the County and creating a broader online presence thru webinars, live streaming and music you can download from your own couch.

The QuietStar Band: Encouraged by our recent presentation at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Cambria (where they were joined by Kathy Wensloff), Elaina and Bob are planning to rev up their music this fall, with new instruments, more recording and some new venues.  A new cd is also in the works.  Stay tuned! 

Upcoming Events!

Our first “official” event at our new space:

Sept 21: Autumnal Equinox Celebration and Fire Ceremony (Sunday Vortex) in the Zen Garden.  Bring your own outdoor chairs, and a potluck dish to share for this gathering of the QuietStar Community. 4pm. Carpooling recommended. 

Find us at: 1248 Monterey (in the Yard, back of building). Between Johnson and Toro (behind Body + Balance.

Art After Dark:  October 3. 6-9pm. We will be offering some of our specialties during Body + Balance’s Art After Dark.  Join us for some quiet time in the midst of downtown, on the deck in back.  It’s a great time to bring your friends by for a “taste” of QuietStar.  In the future, we will offer mini-readings and chakra balancing, as well as featuring our creative side. Oct 3: QuietStar Band (Singing Bowls, Didgeridoo, Ngoni, more).