Whew! That's done....now what?

We've done it. We have cleared out the space at our old location, and are ready for "business" at the new place. Now what?
Last night I noticed that it was dark at 8:30. Then I realized we are only a month from Fall Equinox...time to get ready for the annual harvest. The official time of the equinox for San Luis Obispo is Sept 22 at 7:29pm. As we approach that time, we can begin to notice and appreciate all that has born fruit since we began planting the energies for this year's manifestations. As we follow the earth cycles, we begin to accumulate the energy inside at the Winter Solstice, plant seeds at the Spring Equinox, fire the energies at Summer Solstice, and harvest at Fall Equinox. So here we are, approaching harvest time.
As we packed and sorted, I took many trips down memory lane. Fall ceremony has begun! I tossed out things we no longer need, and re-discovered gems that were hidden. I revisited workshops, gatherings, transformations. I re-experienced blissful awakenings, challenging "letting-go" times, and saw lots of smiles and tears of joy and realization in those memories. My, we have grown!
On September 21, we will be celebrating the Fall Equinox with a community gathering at our new space, 1248 Monterey, in the "Yard". Check out some ideas to prepare for Fall Ceremony (with us or on your own). We'll play the Crystal bowls on our new porch and tone in the new season together. At the fire ceremony, we will separate the "wheat from the chaff" as humans have done for so many years. Into the fire goes all that we are done with, as we integrate and appreciate all that we have created and accomplished. Then we'll break bread together as we share our community potluck.
In the meantime, Bob and I will go on a journey to Colorado and New Mexico, visit the Hummingbird Community, see family and friends, and enjoy hiking, biking, and each others' company. We'll come back rejuvenated and ready to create more bliss together.
Love and Light, Elaina Geltner, Co-Creator of QuietStar
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